Testing Website Implementation.

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing is the practice of ensuring your mobile and web apps are working and usable for users without and with disabilities such as vision impairment, hearing disabilities, and other physical or cognitive conditions.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing ensures that the end-user (customers) can achieve the goals set in the business requirements, which determines whether the software is acceptable for delivery or not. It is also known as user acceptance testing (UAT).

Black Box Testing

Black box testing involves testing against a system where the code and paths are invisible.

End to End Testing

End to end testing is a technique that tests the application’s workflow from beginning to end to make sure everything functions as expected.

Functional Testing

Functional testing checks an application, website, or system to ensure it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing.

Interactive Testing

Also known as manual testing, interactive testing enables testers to create and facilitate manual tests for those who do not use automation and collect results from external tests.

Integration Testing

Integration testing ensures that an entire, integrated system meets a set of requirements. It is performed in an integrated hardware and software environment to ensure that the entire system functions properly.

Load Testing

This type of non-functional software testing process determines how the software application behaves while being accessed by multiple users simultaneously.

Non Functional Testing

Non functional testing verifies the readiness of a system according to nonfunctional parameters (performance, accessibility, UX, etc.) which are never addressed by functional testing.

Performance Testing

Performance testing examines the speed, stability, reliability, scalability, and resource usage of a software application under a specified workload.

Regression Testing

Regression testing is performed to determine if code modifications break an application or consume resources.

Sanity Testing

Performed after bug fixes, sanity testing determines that the bugs are fixed and that no further issues are introduced to these changes.

Security Testing

Security testing unveils the vulnerabilities of the system to ensure that the software system and application are free from any threats or risks. These tests aim to find any potential flaws and weaknesses in the software system that could lead to a loss of data, revenue, or reputation per employees or outsides of a company.

Single User Performance Testing

Single user performance testing checks that the application under test performs fine according to specified threshold without any system load. This benchmark can be then used to define a realistic threshold when the system is under load.

Smoke Testing

This type of software testing validates the stability of a software application, it is performed on the initial software build to ensure that the critical functions of the program are working.

Stress Testing

Stress testing is a software testing activity that tests beyond normal operational capacity to test the results.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is the process of checking small pieces of code to ensure that the individual parts of a program work properly on their own, speeding up testing strategies and reducing wasted tests.

White Box Testing

White box testing involves testing the product's underlying structure, architecture, and code to validate input-output flow and enhance design, usability, and security.


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